The rest of the trip we focussed our birding around the Yotvata and KM20 areas, and picked up plenty of good birds, and a noticeable increase of migrants:
Pied Kingfisher-KM19-20 ditch |
Black Bush Robin |
Undoubtedly my best find of the trip was this Black Bush robin, initially found early morning at the Arabian warbler site near Yotvata where a few people got on to it.
Hoopoe, Yotvata |
Issy wheatear |
Ortolan |
The Black Bush Robin, or quite possibly another, then popped up 20km further south that afternoon, and again 2km further south 15 minutes later! One birding moving fast, or a bit of an arrival?
Randomly hopping about under some desert scrub |
Male Rock Thrush in the middle of desert scrub |
Huge flock of Spanish Sparrows were present at Yotvata |
Breeding KP at Km20 |
Selection of migrants:
I found this Collared fly on birdrace day at IBRC, but it vanished before all but one team got to see it |
And on our way back to Tel Aviv we stopped at the wonderful Lahav, very different to the arid south.
Great Spotted Cuckoo |
Long-billed Pipit on territory |
When we arrived at Tel Aviv, we wasted ours pissing about in traffic, but we did get our only White-breasted Kingfishers of the trip before heading home via extremely heavy airport security.
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